Monday, March 1, 2010

Sorry I didn't take a picture of the plane toilet

I can't live without the toilet. You can't either, stop blushing. I might write a book soon on toilets if I can stomach it. I was fascinated by my porcelain thrones abroad. I have been on a plane many times but hate using the lavatory (oh, ain't that fancy) on the plane. I hate the cramped space, the fact that we are not on the ground and I constantly think of where all the poo is going, the smell that lingers and the scary sucking noise it makes when I flush. I knew that I couldn't avoid it on my flight to Japan though. 14 hours with no pee pee break ain't gonna cut it sister. I used it and it was the same as before. It doesn't get better on long flights or on ginormous planes. It is almost worst. EVERYONE is going and there are 400 people on the aircraft. Oh, the thought. Bleh and a *shake*.

When we got to Japan, I knew the potties would be a bit different. I knew they would be holes in the ground. I knew if I held it on the plane for the last 4 hours I would have to go in the airport. I stereotyped too. I was thinking, Japan will be clean. It was. It was very clean especially in the bathroom. But you know what? I still freaked out. I walked into the bathroom and the first stall I opened I saw inside, a hole in the floor. I rushed out only to be stopped by Joyce who said, "Look Gina, you have a choice!" She was pointing at the signs that I never read. It had western toilets too. I was so relieved. There I went, 3 stall doors down, there was a pretty bowl to sit on. It was decked out. A nice clean seat, a smaller attachment for children, a child seat to the side if you needed a bathroom babysitter, a nice seat guard dispenser, hand sanitizer, and a toilet paper dispenser all nice and full.

When we were all done using the BR, what 4 hours from then would be called a CR, we discovered Paul used the squatty potty. You could only imagine what that conversation was like after. Pretty funny is what it was.

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