Sunday, April 11, 2010

I could not abstain from Twilight

Ladies and Gentlemen it was my first time tonight. My first time watching Twilight. I had to understand why there was so much to be said and embraced by Bella and her man Edward (and that Lautner kid). So, I knew I could turn to just about anyone of my friends and ask to borrow the movie. I borrowed it from one of the chicks I work with who happily handed the first and second movies to me on a Friday morning. She had a feeling that I would like them. I have heard that I would.

First 10 minutes of the movie I tried not looking at my computer because I already had something to say. See, I read the book. I lasted about 3 chapters. It was easy to read but I couldn't get over the pace. It was kind of slow. I have to say the same thing about the movie. The movie was quiet and monotone. Bella and her pretentious expressions and Edward's ready to cry all of the time moments really annoyed me. I couldn't get into it. I think it also has a lot to do with True Blood. I was exposed to Sookie and Bill prior to Bella and Edward. And I am not sure I would like it even if I were 12. And I am pretty sure I am not going to watch the second film.